dilluns, 31 d’agost del 2009

WE are in the news!

We appear today in a small article in El Periódico de Catalunya. It just talks about what I do and how it all started. It is in spanish, but if you want to have a look at it you can do so here

Here are three pictures that did not make it to the final article taken by Andrea Bosch.

dijous, 27 d’agost del 2009

Night tour

We did a night tour the other day, we finished at 10pm which gave us the oportunity the enjoy the city in a different way. I was pleasantly surprised by the night view of the city, it had been a long time since I had seen it...

dimarts, 11 d’agost del 2009

A very cool article on Barcelona Segway Glides

This was printed in the July 2008 Easy Jet Magazine. I think it is very cool. We had lots of fun with the segway that day :) The pictures were taken another day with a handsome model (I was not considered photogenic enough ha ha) but you can find two of the pictures we took that thay:

The ancient cyclist in bright lycra and crazy-eye sunglasses

Me trying to look cool for the picture (and failing miserably)

The only problem is that the the website they give is no longer mine and now post to my competitors...

dissabte, 8 d’agost del 2009

The safest Segways in Barcelona

Here is why our segways are safest than any other company in Barcelona and probably in the world. We got them blessed by Saint Christopher, patron of travelers and drivers. We cannot have any falls now!!

Big thanks to Mary and Jarry for uploading the video to youtube!

Esta es la razón por la cual nuestros segways son los más seguros de la ciudad y probablemente del mundo entero. Están bendecidos por San Cristóbal, patrón de los viajeros y conductores. Ya nunca más tendremos caídas!!!

Muchísimas gracias a Mary y Jerry por subir el vídeo a youtube!

dimecres, 5 d’agost del 2009

Interesting things to do in Barcelona

Here is a link to a page with a lot of interesting things to do in Barcelona, mostly restaurants, bars, museums, shops.... Its from 2007 but I believe it has lots of interesting places.


MoCo Loco is the Modern & Contemporary Design Blog

A big segway group

A few days ago we did a tour for about 20 people with our friends of Dinamic Solutions, I think everybody had quite a lot of fun :)

As usual all pictures on our flickr gallery :)

Hace unos días hicimos un tour en segway para unas 20 personas junto a nuestros amigos de Dinamic Solutions. Creo que la salida fué un éxito y que todo el mundo disfrutó bastante :)

Como siempre, las fotos están disponibles en nuestra galeria de flickr