dilluns, 27 de juliol del 2009

Crazy video from Trampstamp Studios

These guys came to do a segway tour with us a couple of years ago. They had quite a lot of fun on the segways and also made a little video with a segway accident included :)

Here is the video:

diumenge, 26 de juliol del 2009

We are listed in Tripadvisor

We are very happy because we are now listed Tripadvisor.

We will include a link on our website to encourage our customers to leave a review.

Check Tripadvisor if you are going on a trip somewhere, I am sure you will find plenty of information and reviews on what to do where you are going.

If you already have been doing a segway tour with us and want to leave a review just click the following link:

Review Barcelona Segway Glides on TripAdvisor

dimecres, 22 de juliol del 2009

A very very interesting post if you are visting Barcelona

This blog is maintained by David Brydon and he offers very interesting things about Barcelona, from things to do, to places to see, to scams that you can suffer. I highly recommend you taking a look at it. Even I am learning a lot about the city :)

You can visit it here.

dimarts, 21 de juliol del 2009

Barcelona Segway Glides on the catalan TV

Back in 2006 we were featured in a tv program for the Catalan Tv. Here is the video and you can see me from minute 8 and 20 seconds. It is in catalan but I think that not much is needed to understand how a segway works.

You can see the video here

En el año 2006 salimos en un programa de TV3 llamado On anem? Aquí teneis el vídeo en el que los segways salen a partir del minuto 8 y 20 segundos. Está en catalán pero no creo que sea complicado entender la explicación de como funciona el segway.

Podeis ver el vídeo aquí

A youtube video of our tours from 2006

I just found this very cool video shot and edited by our customers. I think it really is very nice.

You can watch it here

Acabo de encontrar este vídeo que fué grabado y editado por los clientes. A mi me gusta mucho.

Podeis verlo aquí

dijous, 16 de juliol del 2009

Added a few more pictures on Flickr

We've done quite a few tours this days, this is high season for us. I got sunburned (again) and had lots of fun meeting new people and segwaying around the city.

I just uploaded som of the pictures I have taken during some of this tours.

Estamos en temporada alta, por lo que estamos haciendo bastantes tours estos días. Me he quemado los brazos (otra vez) pero me lo he pasado muy bien conociendo gente nueva y deslizandome por la ciudad con el segway.

Acabo de subir algunas de las fotos que he tomado estos días durante los tours.

diumenge, 5 de juliol del 2009

Another segway tour with "surprise"

I had a lot of fun today with two american and two english guys today, one of these days in which I realise I have on the best jobs in the world. We where also surprised by a copycat of the naked man, the guy I wrote a post about a few days ago :)

You can see a picture of the guy here if you dare :)

The rest of the pictures can be found here as usual.

Hoy me lo he pasado muy bien con dos chavales americanos y dos chavales ingleses, nos hemos reído un montón y ha sido uno de estos días en los que me doy cuenta de que tengo el mejor trabajo del mundo. Además nos sorprendió un imitador del hombre desnudo :)

Si os atreveis podeis ver la foto aquí

El resto de las fotos están aquí

dissabte, 4 de juliol del 2009

People using pictures that they do not own

I just realised something about another of the pictures that other segway tour company is using without permission. Here is the original one, that I took myself. These three lovely girls are the girls from Project My World, they went around the world meeting people and having fun and they made a TV program out of it. One of their first stops was Barcelona back in 2007 and they came to do a Segway tour with me.

Now, this is the picture that the other guys are using in their homepage:

Now, not only they are using my picture that they also modified the the segway bag so my company name cannot be read!!!! Shame on you guys.

Now, as a last thing if you check this link it will take you to a youtube video of a recap of the first season of Project My World, if you check the video at minute 3:07 you will see me sharing the segway with one of the ladies. Its only one second but the guy with the blue shirt is me.

Also, this was 2007, these guys started in 2008...

Segway Authorised tours

Segway.com has a list of all segway authorised tours in the world in here, you will see that there is no authorised segway tour in Spain, so it is fun to see that another segway tour company in Barcelona are advertising themselves as the only Segway Authorised Tour.

To be an Authorised Segway Tour you have to sign a document with Segway where you have to abide certain rules, one of them being the use of helmets in your publicity or website. It is fun to see, again, that the same company say in its website that they are an authorised tour because they only show people with helmets on the website, you will have trouble finding people with helmets there.

I have no intention at the moment to use helmets, except if somebody specifically ask me to use them (I do have helmets). So I cannot be a Segway Authorised Tour.

But at least I do not claim to have a certification I do not have.

Also, this company that has only been in Barcelona for a year, tell people to be careful with unofficial practices. As of june 2009 the only two companies in Barcelona with authorisation from the city hall to do Segway tours in Barcelona were Barcelona Segway Glides and Barcelona Segway Fun.

As a last proof of how this people do things check this foto and the one underneath:

The photo was taken by Simon Kirrane back in 2005 and you can see four people in it, the guy in the left is me and you can also see the name of my company on the segways bags. Now the second picture is a screen capture of the home page of another segway tour company in Barcelona who very conveniently cut the picture to left me out. I have plenty more pictures that this guys are using on their website without permission, I will post some more later.