divendres, 29 de maig del 2009

Some good opinions of our tours :)

Two years ago one of the Disney ships visited the mediterranean and we had quite a lot of customers from the ships. They shared their experiences and recommended us on the blog. I am very proud of the commentaries about my work. If you are interested on knowing what they said about me, you can check it here:


Click here to read Mary Jo, Nick and Kelly blog on the segway tour

dimecres, 27 de maig del 2009

Another fine sunny day, another fun segway tour :)

Today it was a fine day, the sun was shining and the company was wonderful, we went all the way to the olympic harbour where we practiced the "titanic" as you can see on the picture...

By the way, my nose got a bit sunburned... bring sunblock if you are coming to Barcelona!

One of the oldest reviews of our tours in the internet

The guys from microsiervos came to do a segway tour with us back in June 2005. They posted a quite long and very interesting post on their experiences. You can check it here (in spanish):

Visita a Barcelona en Segway

dimarts, 26 de maig del 2009

Somebody is talking about us :)

Hey, I just found this blog from Javier, he and Núria came to do a segway tour with us and they talk about their experience. In spanish:


Segway tours in Madrid with Madsegs

If you happen to go to Madrid, call Antony at Madsegs he will take you all around the city with the segway while he tells you all about the history of the city. He will also teach you how to go downstairs while on the segway and to do the "Titanic". You can call him at+34 659824499!

Here are a couple of pictures of Antony on his segway while he was attending the european championships:

By the way, he won the first price!

dilluns, 25 de maig del 2009

We have a flickr account :)

If you want to see what we do and where we go, just check our flickr account at:

Barcelona Segway Glides flickr pictures

There is quite a lot of pictures (hundreds) of us and customers riding along barcelona on our segways :)

Showing off with the segway

Here are some shots that my friend Pierre did of me showing off with a Segway :) You can check his website at http://www.pierreclemencon.com/

First post!!

I am making a new website of Barcelona Segway Glides a lifting of the old (it does look very very old after five years...) Here are some screen shots of how it will look like: